Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Current FAVORITE Foundation

I'm loving my CoverGirl Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 foundation! It covers my ugly pores as if I had prepped my face with primer already. It makes my skin flawless and airbrushed-like. The only downside to it is that it's a matte finish and is medium to full coverage. I prefer dewy finishes because I have normal to dry skin and I don't really need a lot of coverage since I don't have a lot of acne or acne scars. I just have ugly pores on my nose and cheeks.
I only use this foundation all over my face and neck when I go out for special occasions, otherwise, I use it mainly as a concealer (around the nose and under eye circles).

Here's a recent picture of me in full makeup:

I've gotten a lot of requests to do a tutorial on this look as well so keep an eye out for that on my youtube channel: Duzong's YT Channel.


New Tutorial!

Ok, seriously... so much for keeping up on blogging. It was a total fail. I'll try to post more often on my blog, I promise.

Since my last post, I've uploaded a few more videos on my YoutTube channel You can click on the link to browse more videos but I'll embed my latest videos down below for your convenience.

My newest video: Kpop Lee Hi "1,2,3,4" Music Video Makeup

2013 Valentines Day Tutorial. Theme: Cute & Pretty.

My next tutorial will definitely be for PROM!! It's the most biggest and memorable night (besides graduation)in the lives of high school teenagers! I'm also thinking about doing a small prom go-to-goody bag! Stay tune for more videos and more posts!
